French Angel Fish

The French angelfish is common in shallow reefs, usually in pairs, often near sea fans. It feeds on sponges, algae, bryozoans, zoantharians, gorgonians and tunicates. Juveniles tend cleaning stations where they service a broad range of clients, including jacks, snappers, morays, grunts, surgeonfishes, and wrasses. At the station the cleaner displays a fluttering swimming and when cleaning it touches the clients with its pelvic fins.

Coloration in adults is black, the scales of the body, except those at the front from nape to abdomen, being rimmed with golden yellow; a broad orange-yellow bar at pectoral absent; dorsal filament yellow; chin whitish; outer part of iris yellow; eye narrowly rimmed below with blue. Juveniles are black with vertical yellow bands.

Reproduction is oviparous and these species are monogamous. Spawning pairs are strongly territorial, with usually both members vigorously defending their areas against neighboring pairs.

Its flesh is considered good quality and it is marketed fresh. It has been reared in captivity.


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imelda said...

wow i love this fish. just in time because my killer fish died.

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Unknown said...

What beautiful fish you have. The photos are wonderful.

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Texto enlazado

Jacq said...

I'm currently studying Marine Biology in University and some of these fish you talk about here are beautiful. I the amount of information you put into the article. It is informative to people considering them for their tanks but also great for just general interest.


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