Red and White Ranchu

The ranchu goldfish is one of the most precious goldfish on Earth and is a treasured household pet all across the world.

So what makes the ranchu goldfish special from any other breed? Well one of the main things that sets a ranchu apart from any other goldfish is its bazaar appearance. It has an unusually large head that closely resembles the look and shape of a lionhead.

In fact the only thing that makes a ranchu goldfish different from a lionhead is that it has a much more curved posterior dorsal contour. Basically first glimpse of a ranchu would have you believe they are the same as a lionhead, but once you take a closer look at the tail, you will be able to tell them apart easily.


denani said...

Hi there!
Thanks a lot for this article..
I love ranchu a lot!!! My aquarium fulls with ranchu.. I love the black one.. :)


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